Monday, May 5, 2014

Tuesday, May 5th

Response to video:

I agree with the fact that people are on their phones too much.  Some people live on social media and post their daily lives, personally I don't use social media too much compared to others.  but this video is unrealistic for the fact that it is impossible to go out without a phone anymore.  Kids have to have their phones at all times because parents are always calling and everyone knows what happens when you don't answer. Another reason why people have to have their phones all the time is because its too dangerous to go without it, you could get lost, get in serious trouble, and the only form of communication is phone.  However I do agree that people are becoming obsessed with social media, they put their lives on there rather than living them.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday, April 29th

What is a 'splash page'? Look it up. Explain what they are and how they are used. Find an example of a splash page in Google Images. Save the image to you computer and then upload it to your blog post. Hint - see below.

  1. A splash screen is an image that appears while a game or program is loading. The term may also be used to describe an introduction page on a website. Splash screens cover the entire screen or simply a rectangle near the center of the screen.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31st

Status update! Tell me where you are at on your product website? Can you be finished by tomorrow at the end of the hour? Do you need more time? How much more time? Be honest and explain yourself.

I have two more pages that I need to create and then I just need to link all of them together.  Then I need to make an internal reference page.  I don't think ill need any more time.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday, March 24th

Welcome back! How was your Spring Break? Tell me all about it. You've been out of school for 10 days so I know you will have plenty to share. Make it good!

I had a good spring break it was a lot of fun.  The first day off I visited the University of Arkansas with a friend.  I came back home for a day after that and then went to Colorado to stay in Denver for a couple nights.  In Denver I went to a Nuggets game and walked around the city.  After those two days I went to Copper Mountain for three days where I snowmobiled, skied, and went tubing. I came back home on Sunday and watched the NCAA tournament and got ready for assassins.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday, March 11th

Do you like the layout of this project? Have you benefited from your brainstorming sheet? Was it more helpful or annoying when starting to map out your website? Explain why.

I like the layout of this project, and have benefited from the brainstorm sheet, it gave me an idea of what I wanted to do with my site and get done what I needed to get done.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 10th

After reading below to see where you should be on your product website - are you caught up? What helps you stay caught up in class? Do you like having small checkpoints? Are you behind? If so, what are you going to do to get caught up?

Being in lass helps me stay caught up.  I missed a lock day so I am a little behind.  I think I will be okay without coming in for extra help but if I have to I will probably come work on it during my study hall.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday, March 4th

What product have you decided to feature/sell on your product website? Explain why you've chosen this product and remember, the sky is the limit on this project!

I have decided to sell basketball gear and equipment.  I chose this product because I really like basketball and wanted to sell something I am interested in.